Wednesday, June 12, 2024

State 45: Missouri

I ran the the all-new Betsy Farris Memorial Biscuit Half Marathon on Saturday, September 30, 2023. This race takes place in Columbia Missouri. We flew in on Thursday, September 28th.

Landing in Kansas City

And I was ready for BBQ! I love BBQ and it seems even though we have BBQ in NJ, we don't have any BBQ that I have tasted in the rest of the country, particularly Tennessee, Texas or Missouri. 

No, I did not eat here, but they have BBQ at the airport!

Airport BBQ

So, after landing, getting our bags and the rental car, it was my main mission to find the best BBQ in Kansas City. We quickly found out there is a difference between Kansas City, Mo BBQ and St. Louis, Mo BBQ.  The sauces share some similarities, but they’re different enough for people to know the difference when they eat them. 

When I think of BBQ sauce, I am more inclined to think of what I got in Kansas City. Kansas City style BBQ is tangy, sweet, thick, a bit spicy, and oh so delicious! It contains many ingredients, but it’s tomato or ketchup-based and brown sugar or molasses are a must as a sweetener. This is the main difference between the St. Louis sauce and the Kansas City sauce. Kansas City is where barbecue was born, which is why this is the traditional barbecue sauce.

The St. Louis barbecue sauce is a bit thinner because it contains vinegar, which also makes the sauce less sweet. This barbecue style is characterized by a sweet-and-sour flavor with a bit of spice.

Well, I searched a few sources on GOOGLE and came up with Q39 in Kansas City. It was the best BBQ I have ever had. And yes, I would travel to Kansas City just to go back, I am that obsessed!

Ron watching me scoff down BBQ at Q39!

Look at Those Burnt Ends!

Washed it all down with a beer! So YUMMY!!!

After we ate, we did our normal routine, found the hotel, unpacked and slept! 

Columbia, Missouri

The next day, we reviewed the plans for the race and packet pick-up. What? Packet pick-up is at a bar? And the bar is called, the Dive Bar?😆! I love this country! And I love running through each state! These are priceless memories!

Ron and Me at The Dive Bar
After Packet Pick Up!

Inside The Dive Bar!

It had a charm all to its own. Great music. Great glasses! We bought a few. Little did the person know that the small juice-like glasses we purchased were going to be used to drink wine from - Sopranos Style! 😛

Outside The Dive Bar

After hanging at the Dive Bar, we made our way back to the hotel and reviewed race day instructions. 

Race Day Instructions

Bib Photo Op!
Such a Cute Shirt!

The race honors the legacy of Betsy Farris, the Roots N Blues Festival director from 2009-2016. Betsy trained, inspired, and mentored many people on their journeys to get fit and stay healthy.

The race starts on the African American Trail. It seems that after the American Civil War in 1865, Columbia was mostly segregated. So, African Americans started building their own businesses and institutions where they worked, shopped and socialized. The area then changed dramatically in the 1960s after a controversial program known as urban renewal eliminated many black-owned homes and enterprises. The African American Heritage Trail is a tour of this historic area, and the trail includes more than 20 informational markers highlighting people and institutions significant to the city’s history. 

After the park area, the race continues on through some pretty tree-lined streets. It is a very flat race. 

Sunday was race day! Off we go. After some coffee and my banana bread with Justin's Almond Butter, some stretching and foam rolling, we took off for the race. We stopped at the Broadway Diner for more coffee and a pit stop.

Broadway Diner

On our way into the race area, I saw Competition Barbeque Team! WoW! I wondered if I would join their team if I lived in Missouri - I would likely love a beer and a BBQ after races!

Competition Barbeque Team!

And it is always a must to note
EVERY Port-O-John!

Gotta Love the Running Biscuit!

I signed Ron up for the 5K, which started after the half marathon. My race started a little bit on the downhill, and it was pretty shady on the paved trail. The first stretch and the last stretch, you went under ta small footbridge. The race was an out and back.

Shuffling on to the finish!

First Time I Finished Under 2 Hours 
Since My Knee Surgery!!!

I came in first in may age group too!

The after race party was full of live music and tasty treats!

Let's Hear It For Great Live Music!

This was a great race and great adventure!

Next, we walked along the trail and found this very cool bench!

Next stop, well St Louis, of course. Onto check out St Louis style BBQ and the Gateway Arch, National Park Missouri.

Chuck Berry Statue in St Louis

The Gateway Arch reflects St. Louis' role in the Westward Expansion of the United States during the nineteenth century. The park is a memorial to Thomas Jefferson's role in opening the West, to the pioneers who helped shape its history, and to Dred Scott who sued for his freedom in the Old Courthouse. The arch is HUGE!!!

Ron under the Gateway Arch
We Stayed Under the Arch!

I was ready to suck up my fear of heights and take the gondola ride, up and through the Gateway Arch. I thought, just pray and God will hold you in His hand as you go through this metal arched tube! The person selling the tickets advised that we sit in the small gondola (five feet in diameter)  to get the feel for what we would experience. Ron said sitting in the tiny gondola for 4-minutes going up and 3-minutes coming down was too much. And, at that moment, I found out why Ron always likes the window seat on the plane, too. I thought he was just mindful of my bathroom urgency issues all these years! Nope, looks like someone is claustrophobic! No Gateway Arch ride for us. Tickets were returned! But we got some nice pics!

Up to 80 People can go into the
top viewing area!

Under the Arch!

Ron Under the Arch

The Arch is designed to sway as much as 18 inches in 150 mile per hour winds and it can withstand an earthquake. YIKES!

The Arch is 630 feet (192 meters) tall; 630 feet is also the distance from leg to leg at ground level.

Climbing Up The Stairs to the "Gateway to the West"

There are lots more to do in the park too. You can take a helicopter ride around the area.

Helicopter Pad!

You can take a riverboat cruise on the Mississippi River too!

Riverboat on the Mississippi!

Well, another great trip! Thank you, Missouri!

Train Hard,
Run Happy,
Run To Inspire
and God Bless America!

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